Our Mission

Our organization operates under a guiding philosophy deeply rooted in idealism, a worldview that posits the fundamental nature of reality as mental or spiritual. We hold that the physical world we perceive is not an independent reality but a manifestation of consciousness. From this perspective, material reality is seen as a construct of the mind, with consciousness serving as the true foundation of all existence.


We find it crucial to clarify the term 'consciousness,' which often carries dual meanings. On one hand, it refers to subjective individual awareness, the personal experience of being. On the other, it's seen as the underlying essence of reality itself - a universal, source consciousness from which all existence and experiences emerge.


We draw upon a compelling theory regarding the human brain's role in our interaction with source consciousness. This theory likens the brain to an antenna, finely tuned to receive signals from this universal consciousness, and as an enabler of subjective awareness, sense of self. The brain's function in this model is not just to process information, but to act as a filter, selecting from a vast spectrum of potential data. It's posited that the brain, in its complexity, filters out the majority of information it encounters to present us with a manageable and coherent version of reality. This selective filtering may explain why experiences such as near-death phenomena or deep meditative states feel so profound; they could represent moments where the brain's filtering parameters are altered, allowing a broader spectrum of consciousness to be perceived.


This concept of the brain as a receiver rather than solely a generator of consciousness opens intriguing possibilities. It suggests that what we experience daily is merely a fraction of a broader consciousness spectrum. Altering the brain's tuning, through practices like meditation or certain altered states, could grant us access to different aspects of this universal consciousness. 


If physical reality is constructed from source consciousness, and our own subjective awareness too emerges from and is connected to source consciousness, this points to being able to influence physical reality via individual conscious awareness and/or intent. We believe that there is compelling evidence showing this to be the case. these views, while perhaps somewhat unorthodox, are rooted in a longstanding philosophical tradition going back to the dawn of recorded human history and are supported by both overwhelming first-person accounts as well as highly-controlled scientific studies performed by the likes of Dean Radin, among many others.


Through this lens, we seek not only to broaden human understanding but also to explore the most meaningful questions about consciousness and reality. We are committed to advancing knowledge in this realm, bridging the gap between ancient wisdom and modern science, and exploring the vast potentials of human consciousness.